Students in Distress

Instructors are not responsible for counseling students on personal or emotional difficulties, even when those problems affect academic work. It is the faculty’s responsibility to refer to appropriate resources. Undergraduate students who seem to be unusually upset or who are in need of special help should be referred to their Resident Dean. Instructors are encouraged to call or email Resident Deans to relay their concerns about a particular undergraduate. Other resources may be found in the Harvard College Crimson Folder at


Concerns about a graduate student should be referred to the Harvard Griffin GSAS Office of Student Services (617-495-5005). The Counseling and Mental Health Services (CAMHS)  (617-495-2042) and the Academic Resource Center (ARC) are also available to help both undergraduate and graduate. 


For more guidance on student well-being as well as how to create a mental health-friendly course, please find resources at